Posts Tagged 'Summerlin Wedding Photographer'

They don’t take a bad picture. The bride and groom. Their families. It’s kinda ridiculous. (:

The love and excitement for Ken and Jeni from their families was amazing. I wish I could have bottled it up and open it when I need a boost of the warm and fuzzies.

Jeni’s wedding dress is her mom’s wedding dress. Her parents will be married 50 years this year. Isn’t that awesome!!

This day was w-i-n-d-y!! It was craaaazy windy. We tried to find spots around the Las Vegas LDS Temple to hide from it. But it didn’t matter in the end. Jeni and Ken still looked amazing and nothing was going to get in the way of their love for each other.

Here are some shots from the day.

I loved Jeni’s flowers. So pretty.

Um…hello gorgeous eyes!!

These next two are happy accidents and I’m totally loving ’em. I can’t help it.

Seriously? Such good looking people! I have amazing brides and grooms!

Check the slide show for more shots (as always, the direct link has music with the slide show)…pictures from the open house are also in there! (: