Posts Tagged 'Custom Wedding Photography'

I have known the Massey Family for a number of years. They are a ton of fun and I enjoy being around them. Kali was always one of those amazing friends that no matter how little or long time it has been since we’ve seen each other, we are just able to pick up where we left off. The thing is, Kali is that way with everyone, she is friends with everyone she meets. You can’t help but love Kali after meeting her.

When I received a Facebook message from Kali just sorta kinda asking after possible dates that I am available to shoot her wedding, I actually jumped a little bit in my chair. I was so excited for her. We did a little catching up through email and I was so excited to hear about her marriage to Mike.

I met Mike and his family for the first time at the St. George Utah LDS Temple. The Evans’ family is hilarious. They were very warm, kind and found ways to always sneak in a good laugh. As we took pictures around the grounds, I could see why Kali and Mike were a perfect match. Kali has an amazing laugh. You can’t help but laugh when Kali laughs. And Mike is funny. So you could only imagine the kind of fun we were having as we took photos and through the reception.

Here are a few shots from the day! Let’s start with my favorite from the whole day. They were beaming and this only proved it!

This is what I mean about both families being a hoot! I yelled out “it’s time for a goofy picture  before I let you all go!” and they all kinda looked at each other, whispered a few things, and basically all turned around at once. I was cracking up!

Kali’s glam squad! (:

Second favorite of the day. Love how the light is touches their faces. Awe, so cute! (; haha!

Heellllloooooo gorgeous!! Someone is looking AAAAAAmazing!

love. Love. LOVED. Kali’s flowers. So pretty and fresh.

More pictures from the reception on the slideshow. Here is the link! Or watch below. Enjoy!



They don’t take a bad picture. The bride and groom. Their families. It’s kinda ridiculous. (:

The love and excitement for Ken and Jeni from their families was amazing. I wish I could have bottled it up and open it when I need a boost of the warm and fuzzies.

Jeni’s wedding dress is her mom’s wedding dress. Her parents will be married 50 years this year. Isn’t that awesome!!

This day was w-i-n-d-y!! It was craaaazy windy. We tried to find spots around the Las Vegas LDS Temple to hide from it. But it didn’t matter in the end. Jeni and Ken still looked amazing and nothing was going to get in the way of their love for each other.

Here are some shots from the day.

I loved Jeni’s flowers. So pretty.

Um…hello gorgeous eyes!!

These next two are happy accidents and I’m totally loving ’em. I can’t help it.

Seriously? Such good looking people! I have amazing brides and grooms!

Check the slide show for more shots (as always, the direct link has music with the slide show)…pictures from the open house are also in there! (:

I love Disneyland.

Just a few shots from my last visit to the happiest place on earth.

I can’t wait to go back.

I have to bring up one of the cutest things that I noticed about Eli and Shannon.

They hold hands.

It is extremely sweet and after shooting their wedding I wanted to become an advocate for a “more hand holding” campaign. If there isn’t one yet, I will start it. Whose with me?! (;

I added a few of their hand holding moments in this post. I also included pictures of one gorgeous wedding dress on one SUPER gorgeous bride. (: I don’t know how I get so lucky to be asked to photography such amazing couples and their awesome families. Eli’s siblings were HA-larious. I couldn’t stop taking pictures of them on the dance floor. Not knowing Eli very well, I could tell throughout the evening that he is a very quiet sweet guy that is not a fan of having the spot light on him. But when his siblings, especially his brothers got near him, he couldn’t help but laugh. Which of course made Shannon laugh. Which is one of the things I love most about Shannon. She has the cutest most adorable laugh.

From the touching ceremony, to the extremely cold and windy portrait shots (seriously major troopers) and the dance floor shenanigans, Eli and Shannon’s wedding day was a major success!

Slide Show love…don’t miss the music with this one. Such a good song. Or below. Enjoy!

Jana and Reed’s wedding day was beautiful. You could just see the love and support pouring out of their family and friends. Which was fitting because of the love that was overflowing from the newlyweds.

I had a moment towards the end of the reception when I looked around and saw an older…um wiser…yeah, wiser family member of the bride or groom (I’m not sure whose, ooops) sitting at a table looking at her phone. I walked by her and realized she was playing games on her smart phone. I couldn’t help it, I took a picture. She turned around and said, “hey! [giggle] you caught me!!!” and then we had a nice conversation about life, marriage and being surrounded by family and friends. She reminded me of what was important.

There seems to be only two times in life when there is just no question you show up for the event, that being a marriage or for a funeral. And as we looked around the room and saw cute kids running around, parents, grandparents, great great parents chatting, and the bride and groom laughing and enjoying their day. We discussed how it really is at at wedding or funeral family and friends will gather, and how she was glad it was the wedding that we were meeting and having this discussion. I’m so glad we had that conversation at a wedding too.

I am continually grateful to be able to document events like these. And meet such amazing people.

It was a great day. Thank you Jana and Reed for allowing me to be a part of it.

Aaaaaaand here is why one of the wedding colors was without a doubt yellow…. :)



SLIIIIIIIIIDESHOW time! (:  Like always…pictures below, but link leads you to pictures aaaaand music! Enjoy.