Posts Tagged 'Bear’s Best Golf Course'

Jana and Reed’s wedding day was beautiful. You could just see the love and support pouring out of their family and friends. Which was fitting because of the love that was overflowing from the newlyweds.

I had a moment towards the end of the reception when I looked around and saw an older…um wiser…yeah, wiser family member of the bride or groom (I’m not sure whose, ooops) sitting at a table looking at her phone. I walked by her and realized she was playing games on her smart phone. I couldn’t help it, I took a picture. She turned around and said, “hey! [giggle] you caught me!!!” and then we had a nice conversation about life, marriage and being surrounded by family and friends. She reminded me of what was important.

There seems to be only two times in life when there is just no question you show up for the event, that being a marriage or for a funeral. And as we looked around the room and saw cute kids running around, parents, grandparents, great great parents chatting, and the bride and groom laughing and enjoying their day. We discussed how it really is at at wedding or funeral family and friends will gather, and how she was glad it was the wedding that we were meeting and having this discussion. I’m so glad we had that conversation at a wedding too.

I am continually grateful to be able to document events like these. And meet such amazing people.

It was a great day. Thank you Jana and Reed for allowing me to be a part of it.

Aaaaaaand here is why one of the wedding colors was without a doubt yellow…. :)



SLIIIIIIIIIDESHOW time! (:  Like always…pictures below, but link leads you to pictures aaaaand music! Enjoy.