Archive for 'Personal'

As a photographer, I shouldn’t love sun flare, but I do.


I love it a LOT.

I have a lot of sessions to post, they are a-comin’, I promise!

Keep a look out!

He truly was a genius. And he changed the world.


A perfectly example of marketing genius. Of how to move those around you to change the world by words, pictures and examples. And more so, humbly not take credit for it, but be IT.  This is my favorite commercial of all time.

Okay…not EVERY time, but pretty often.

I get sucked in and I fall in love and that’s it, it wins me over.

I’m talking about the weekly free song on iTunes.


I check it every week, and some of my current favorite bands are because iTunes has got the cheap sucker in me to download the free song and in the end, about 40-50% of the time, I purchase more music from the featured band. Okay wait a minute, that % seems kinda excessive. Let me clarify.

I use to download everything because it’s free, and I have plenty of room for more music, on my hard drive and of course, in my heart! But then I learned, I had songs on my iTunes I never listened to and down right hated. Strong word. Hate. I knooooow. True none the less. So I decided to be a bit more picky. So I download often and out of the often downloading, in the end, enjoy about 40-50% of them enough to go search and purchase more.

Well, here is a perfect moment to bring up the free song of the week.

Mayer Hawthorne. He is amazing. He throws down his musicality like no bodies business. His new album How Do You Do came out today, and one of the songs from the album is the free download of the week. GO GET IT!! He is amazing.

He can brag about playing all instruments and singing this entire album, including his last A Strange Arrangement. If you like classic R&B with some vintage S-O-U-L, this guys is for you. He will take you back and make you feel like the hip cool cat that HE is.

If you ever have the opportunity to see him live, it’s where he gets ya! He is a great performer.

Let me know what you think after you download it. I’d love to know. (:

September 12, 2011 in Personal

Where were you on that day?

It’s a question that is asked often. It will be asked the rest of our lives. It’s something I will never forget. Not because of where I was, but because of how I felt.

I was working in a retail store. We had be there early to take a shipment. We had finished taking the boxes off the truck were unpacking them. It had become the custom to listen to the radio as we unpacked. I was fairly close to where the radio sat, when they announced that a plane had it one of the Twin Towers in New York City. I was confused. But I kept working on unpacking clothes. As the minutes passed, I realized this was real. Then they reported the second plane hitting the Towers. That’s when I realized what was truly happening. Something bad. Something that will changes lives on a large scale.

What immediately came to my mind was the people in those buildings. The people in the planes. I was concerned about what they were going through in that moment while I was standing in the middle of clothes that were sitting patiently waiting to be unpacked, to be bought and worn. I felt small and useless. There were thousands of people on the other side of the country that were going through something horrendous. Beyond scary. Thousands of people knew their lives would be ending soon. And that’s when I realized I was crying. To try and not to think about it, though that’s all I could do, I kept working. I kept unpacking clothes and folding them onto a table. One of my managers came over and asked if I needed a break. I didn’t. The last thing I wanted to do was to sit in an empty break room, all alone, and think about the awful events transpiring in New York City, in Virgina, in Pennsylvania.

I said a silent prayer, full of tears, as I kept working. A prayer that those who were faced with the realization that their lives would end soon, that they were able to find comfort in those around them. That they were going to have peace in their hearts. That they knew in that moment that they were loved.

We went home soon after we finished unpacking all the clothes and putting them away. The shopping center I worked in was empty. The city shut down. The nation shut down. There was an eerily quietness in the world. I sat in front of the television all day. There were moments I couldn’t take it any more. To selfishly get away from it, I slept a few hours. But it didn’t matter. It happened and was still happening when I woke up. My heart hurt.

I will never forget that day. I will never forget how I felt. I hope that I will have the ability all my life to be mindful of those in need, in pain and remember that everyone needs to feel loved. I hope more than anything to remain grateful and respectful for those who allow me the privileges and freedoms that I have.

The neighbors next door have grapevines that have been there for as long as I can remember. I see the leaves grow ever year, but I never see grapes. I figured it’s the weather. It is just so hot here in Vegas, it makes sense.


But then it happened, there were some grapes!!

My brother and I decided we need to try them. They were nice and warm from the sun. We decided if they weren’t good and going to die, we’d die at the same time. We popped them in our mouths, and well, they were grapes. I look over at my brother, he hadn’t bit down yet. So messed up. He left me to “die” alone!! So classic of a brother, right?!